
Social Links

Discord -

I have a server called The Condiment Section! I want to make a fun hangout space for artists, gamers, and everyone in between. It would mean a lot to me if you could join in!

Newgrounds -

This is a (mostly) complete archive of all my finished art. It's sorted chronologically, too!

Main YT Channel - @trashk3tchup

Here I post videos of whatever projects I've been up to lately.

Instagram - @trashk3tchup

I sometimes post art here, as well as some stories if I feel like it.

Twitter - @trashk3tchup

I'm a bit less active here, but I post art and tweet miscellaneous thoughts. I also retweet a lot of cool art I find, but if you don't like that flooding your timeline, you can always mute retweets from me (or anyone, for that matter)...

Art Fight - @trashk3tchup

My first Art Fight was in 2024, Team Seafoam. Attack me if you dare, I WILL revenge you (and milk it for videos)! You can also view my original characters here.


Just putting them here so you know that it's mine. Add me on Steam if you like, but I sometimes purge my friends list from people I don't interact with (but don't be shy to re-add me!). Follow me on Neocities too if you want to get notified whenever I update the site.

Neocities - trashk3tchup

Steam - /trashk3tchup

Reddit - u/trashk3tchup

Tumblr - @trashk3tchup

BlueSky -